Christian Life Community sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Releasing the love and anointing of God to set the captives free. Bring healing to the body of Christ.
Andrew X has been behind some of the biggest products and software tools in our industry for as long as I can remember. Well yet again he has compiled what I believe to be the best money making software to date. The official release of Cash Bullets isn’t until Feb. 9th but I’ve asked Andrew to give me access to the system weeks beforehand just to test it out and see what happens. So now its nearly two weeks passed and I’ve prepared a fully honest Cash Bullets reivew which you can go through below. Be on the look out for my incredible 1 on 1 coaching offer and bonus below for cash bullets.
The whole learning curve to making money using this system has been integrated in a software which will find products (profitable products), create content & drive traffic to your shopper site within 60 seconds. If you know anything about websites you will notice that it roughly takes an expert around half an hour to create 1 of these sites – well Cash Bullets mob app can do 30 of these sites in under half an hour! Let me show you the potential of having these type of sites under your control. The screenshot below is of a brand new Cash Bullets account I created to test out the system, keep in mind this account is only 2 weeks old!
After Using The Back-end System
So my final verdict is of course that I do highly recommend you get Cash Bullets. And just in case you don’t take my word for it, look at this brand new Clickbank account and how much its made. Now, I will be offering 1 on 1 coaching for those who take advantage of this opportunity and download Cash Bullets below. Take a look at the dates on the screenshot, this proof is live taken just now!
Account about 2 weeks old!
I really am truly impressed with what the software can do and that’s why I am offering my free 1 on 1 coaching (my income speaks for itself) and a huge bonus for those who take action and download Cash Bullets below. Use the contact form to get in touch as soon as your in the members area and we will schedule a time for coaching. I really do hope that my Cash Bullets Review has shed some light on you and your ready to start making real money asap!
For a superior experience, Blip recommends that you upgrade your browser to Google Chrome or install Chrome Frame.
LI Christian Broadcast Network
About this original series
Christian Streaming TV Video, Featuring the best ministry on Long Island, Praise and Worship Church Services, Fellowship doing the works of God, supporting our local community. Believe God can change lives, hope of the Gospel. NBCC invite you to Worship the Lord together as the high Praises of God fills the Church and the Lord move by the Power of His Holy Spirit. Live Streaming TV Broadcasts
Blessed Is He That Considers The Poor. God divine opportunities to see the needs of others, with Godly compassion Jesus, the Spirit of God moves within us to meet the needs of other. He provides for you that you may in turn provide, help others. Lord shows us the way to be blessed and to bless and help other.s God wants to release the anointing and bring healing into peoples lives.
Long Island Christian Broadcast Video Network working on Long Island bring you the Best Ministry the Island has to offer. Let Christ be glorified in your life today.
This bill has strong corporations behind it, but together we are stronger
Write an Email to congress
Congress needs to get a letter from all of us or this bill is going to pass
Fight for the Future may contact you about related campaigns. We will not share your email with anyone. Privacy Policy
Not in the us? Petition the state department
The US state department constantly speaks out against internet censorship in other countries. Pressure them to speak out against America’s new domestic censorship system.
Fight for the Future may contact you about related campaigns. We will not share your email with anyone. Privacy Policy
Lobby Congress
Our friends at Engine Advocacy are organizing tech entrepreneurs to lobby Congress more effectively, so that laws like SOPA/PIPA will never happen again.
Put a black bar with the words “Stop censorship” over your site’s logo or header
Copy this code below and paste it into your site
Tell us you did
Enter your text here, and we'll give you back a censored version to post to twitter, facebook, or your blog or website. You’ll also get a link that your readers or friends will have to click on in order to read the redacted text -- they’ll have to email or call Congress to reveal what was censored.
Fight for the Future may contact you about related campaigns. We will not share your email with anyone. Privacy Policy
Learn more about the Internet Censorship Bills (SOPA/PIPA)
“The potential for abuse of power through digital networks – upon which we as citizens now depend for nearly everything, including our politics – is one of the most insidious threats to democracy in the Internet age … This is no time for politicians and industry lobbyists in Washington to be devising new Internet censorship mechanisms, adding new opportunities for abuse of corporate and government power over online speech.”
“These bills were written by the content industry without any input from the technology industry. And they are trying to fast track them through congress and into law without any negotiation with the technology industry.”
“SOPA, regrettably, represents a big step backward in Washington's efforts to support the digital revolution, one of the only sectors of the economy that continues to grow.”
“When civil liberties organizations describe the bills as encouraging “American censorship,” a weighty charge, the legal analysis by Professor Tribe and I support that conclusion. At least, according to the American Supreme Court’s established First Amendment jurisprudence.”
“It contains provisions that will chill innovation. It contains provisions that will tinker with the fundamental fabric of the internet. It gives private corporations the power to censor. And best of all, it bypasses due legal process to do much of it.”
“The main "enforcement" mechanism in these bills is to put liability on third party service providers coming from the tech industry, undermining the safe harbors of the DMCA and the legal framework that has allowed tons of important internet platforms to evolve.”
“[SOPA would] overturn the long-accepted principles and practices [of the DMCA] in favor of a one-sided enforcement mechanism that is far more broad than existing law while not attempting to protect the rights of anyone accused of copyright infringement.”
“When ideas are blocked, information deleted, conversations stifled and people constrained in their choices, the Internet is diminished for all of us.. There isn’t an economic Internet and a social Internet and a political Internet. There’s just the Internet.”
Jesus came to give us Life and life more abundantly. Lord be merciful on me a Sinner...
Pro-Life Billboard Stirs Up Controversy In SoHo
By: Tetiana Anderson
Discussion on the streets of SoHo is mounting over a billboard campaign launched by a pro-life group that claims unborn black babies are in danger.
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Then come back here and refresh the page.
Controversy is mounting over a billboard in SoHo that claims unborn black babies are in danger.
A pro-life group from Texas known as "Life Always" launched a national campaign with a giant billboard at Sixth Avenue and Watts Street.
It reads, "The most dangerous place for an African-American is in the womb."
The group says Planned Parenthood is purposely targeting the black community, leading to shockingly high abortion rates in the community.
"We believe that with more information our community can make the right choice in pushing back on the unfettered access that Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry has on our community," said "Life Always" Founding Member/Pastor Stephen Broden.
Broden, along with some community activists, say Planned Parenthood is targeting the black community, leading to abortion rates among blacks that are staggeringly high compared to other races.
City health department figures show 61 percent of all pregnancies among black women in the five boroughs end in abortion.
"When I look at the percentage of death by abortion in the black community, 13 percent of the population, 36 percent of the abortion rate nationwide...that causes me to be ill," said Reverend Michael Faulkner of the New Horizon Church.
The ad campaign is set to be rolled out in a number of other cities across the country.
In a statement, Planned Parenthood called the ad, "an offensive and condescending effort to stigmatize and shame African-American women while attempting to discredit the work of Planned Parenthood."
City Council Speaker Christine Quinn says the billboard is offensive to women of color. Some people who walked by the SoHo billboard Wednesday seemed to agree.
"The image that is portraying, got a child there with abortion just rocks my socks, I don't like it at all," said one New Yorker.
"It's a slap in the face at this point and in the middle of so-called Black History Month," said another.
"I think the content of it is pretty nasty and demeaning. On the other hand it's freedom of speech," said a third.
The SoHo ad is scheduled to remain up for three weeks.
Hope enables you to reach out to claim, bring to fulfilment the promises of God for your life. Expectations are developed by your thoughts, your emotions, what you see and what you hear. God does not want us to base our expectations on what we think and feel.
God wants our expectations to be lifted by the Hope of the Gospel. Based on the promises in the living word of God. Faith and hope are combined in the heart of the believer, bring forth a unity that builds the expectation of hope to bloom in their lives. To believe God for all things, with God nothing shall be impossible. For with our God we can do all things. Nothing shall be able to stand before us. If God be for us who can stand against us. Our expectations build a platform for trust in the living God, I learn to depend upon His word to meet my every need, according to his riches and glory through Christ Jesus, my Hope of Glory.
We are certain that what we hope for is already waiting for us. God has already prepared for us to receive what He has promised. Hope is not limited to what you see as your present situation or what you see for your future. Hope enables you to focus, enables you to see with a greater level of expectation. I see with the eyes of faith that the promises of God are true. That God is no respecter of persons, but all that humble themselves and seek His face will be rewarded and He will hear our prayers and bring to pass the promises and blessings He has in store for us.
Hope is more than wishing. Hope is a powerful force God has placed within us. Greek word for Hope is ‘elps’ means happy expectation of good... Expectations means reaching out in readiness to receive something.
Hope is a happy reaching out in readiness to receive something good. This Hope is not based upon or limited to what you see or hear. Hope is based on the living faith that abides in you, the gift of live that God gave you when you called upon him to be your Lord and saviour. This gift of faith enables your to see with eyes of expectation to believe for all things to come to pass. That our God is faithful to watch over his word, to perform his good will for our lives. He who shed his life for us, shall he not also give good things to those that call out upon Him, in their time of need.
Hope that is alive is fortified by the power of God, by His Spirit that dwells withing us. This hope that lives within us gives us the full assurance that we are going to be receiving the good things from God our heavenly Father wants to give us good things. Just like our earthly Father would give his child good things when asked. If you ask for bread he will not give you a stone. So also your Heavenly Father will give good things to those that ask of him.
Hope - Living Hope is given to us from God. This hope keeps us stead fast, is an anchor for the soul, is based, strengthened by the word of God.
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name.
Now the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that ye may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost. Rom 15:13
Let God manifest His glory and presence in your life as you believe Him to bring the promises of God into your life. This living hope gives us access beyond the veil into the very presence of God We have the assurance of His promises, through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us. Our hope and expectations must be centered on Christ the living Word, and on his completed work on Calvary.
And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. Rom 5:5
Its Christ in us the Hope of Glory, we have the indwelling Spirit and power of God residing with us in our lives and will teach us how to apprehend the things of God. Teach us to believe for all things. God want to restore a rewarding relationship with you and the true living God. God want you to experience his deep love and commitment to you. That by his Spirit he will give you and I access unto himself. Let us call upon the Lord and He will hear us and show us great and mighty things.
If you don’t know what is Kajabi, then I will explain it in a few words: Kajabi is basically a complete product launch system for internet marketers. Now, what are the components? How it can help me create a product launch? Is it really worth my money? I will try to answer these common questions here, keep reading… First of all, Kajabi or Push Button Marketing has already been tested by some “gurus”, including:
Video Boss – Andy Jenkins
List Control – Frank Kern
Product Launch Formula – Jeff Walker
Outsource Force – John Reese
In all these launches you will see the footer “Powered by Kajabi”. And this means that Kajabi already has proven that is capable of managing massive product launch campaigns, where are not talking about hundreds, but hundred thousands of dollars campaigns here. The system is really that powerful, it will let you create landing pages, squeeze pages and entire websites using a very simple and clean interface. It also includes membership management, shopping cart integration, and more! But let’s the guys from Kajabi explain to you what you should expect from their product, click on the next link to view the introductory video (there is no required opt-in), where you will learn more about this excellent system: The product is not live yet, but it will be very soon, so if you want to be one of the first to get Kajabi, subscribe to the newsletter at the top of the sidebar.
via Kajabi is Counting down to close... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tonight, at midnight, we're going to be closing the doors on the Kajabi 14 Day trial period offer. Thousands have accepted the invitation, and you're running out of time to claim it yourself... Kajabi is a point-and-click, drag-and-drop internet marketing machine! Landing pages, squeeze pages, sales pages, membership sites, even mobile compatible HTML 5 video, RIGHT out of the box. It ALREADY has a 30-day money-back guarantee when you sign up, but if you get it BEFORE TONIGHT, you get almost 2 whole weeks to try it PLUS, you will get free future upgrades, TOO. The full details are in the video right here: Most software solutions like this need to be avoided when they're new unless you want to be paying to be a guinea pig, but Kajabi has ALREADY handled the biggest launches in 2010: Video Boss, PLF 3.0, List Control, Outsource Force... And we've had HUNDREDS of people in a private BETA for 6 months! Kajabi is ready to rock RIGHT NOW. All it needs is for you to commit to giving it a try. I hope you love it as much as I do, Andy Jenkins
Faith brings with it a tenacity, saying you will not be denied what is rightly yours.
Faith brings you into a Holy boldness that gives you access to God. You ......
Jesus is the author of your faith; I live by the faith of God.
It is the faith of God that dwells within you, that empowers you, motivates you to seek, cause you to seek after God. You learn to pursue him with all your heart. There has been a holy passion set a fire in your heart that says, I must have Jesus. He is so wonderful, I must be with my Lord and saviour. He is so beautiful, so altogether wonderful! He is so full of life and his presence brings us into the realization and enables us to partake of the glory of his presence.There is joy and peace in the presence of the Lord. The presence of God brings us into the liberty of the Spirit. The Spirit of God changes ignites the atmosphere, enlightens our minds to behold and understand Him. We come into the reality of God, we come to know and experience “How Real God Really Is"
He is beyond anything that we can ever imagine. Faith manifests and reveals Christ that our soul and spirit step into a new realm of knowing the reality of God. He is more that just the words in a book.
I realize the living God has taken residence in my spirit man. It is His life in me that enables me to know and experience God. Before in my old nature my carnal life I could not see or understand God. But now that my eyes have been open, my mind has been enlightened and I am able to behold Him, gaze upon Him. Truly know Him as my Lord and saviour.My life is being transformed, changed to conform to the image, the expression that the Lord is revealing himself to be.
I become like a mirror, similar to the film strip of a camera. As a mirror is pointed at a person, the image of the persona begins to form on the surface of the mirror. Our spirit life is similar to this mirror, as we behold Jesus and set our gaze upon him we are transformed to His image, we become a reflection of the Lord. The very nature of God and his life begin to be shaped in us as we continue to look upon Him, who is the author and finisher of our faith. My faith is build upon the living saviour, Jesus Christ.
Bringing the Word to Life through teaching and ministry,
From: Jonathan Budd, & The Empowered Entrepreneurs Design Team.
Subject: Turning You Into A 'Social Media Celebrity'...
Frankly, no one needs to be sold on how Profitable Social Media Marketing is in our day and age. There is no better place to interact with customers, prospects, and your future business partners FOR FREE then on the major Social Media networks.
However, most people have NO idea how to go about this, and NO idea how to set up their websites PROFESSIONALLY, so they can create the most results possible in these mediums. Make no mistake...
That’s why it’s of the UTMOST importance you make sure your backgrounds, and your blog designs, are GRADE A+ material, that will professionally brand and represent you in the industry.
The problem is however, most people have no clue where to find designers, blog experts, and “Coders” who you can TRUST will do a good job, will help you in a fast turnaround, and will make sure you get taken care of the way you NEED to be.
I have spent YEARS working with different free lancers on the Internet, and have had VARIETY of experiences. Some good, and many BAD. And I’ve come to learn that working with people who understand your industry, and with a PROVEN track record of success is absolutely the safest and most efficient way to go.
Working with the right partners is seriously one of the most IMPORTANT things you can do as an entrepreneur. The wrong partners cost you money, create bad work, and waste your time. The right partners MAKE you money, create DYNAMITE work, and save you time. And in an industry like ours, it's IMPERATIVE you capitalize on trends as they are happening, and are able to IMPLEMENT new tactics at lightning speed.
After YEARS of struggle myself searching endlessly for the right people to work with, and constantly being asked by my students for referrals, I decided I would make sure YOU don't have to go through the same trouble I did to find a DYNAMITE team, that does sensational money pulling work.
I decided I would give away my own PERSONAL DESIGN TEAM, the people I work with to do all my designs & marketing on the Internet... so YOU don't have to spend more money, or waste more of your time, trying to find the right people to help you establish a 'Celebrity' like brand on the Social Media Networks.
This special service is NOT being advertised, and is NOT open to the public. It’s strictly word of mouth, which means you either know me, someone close to me, or are in my personal network. These services are something I want to keep CLOSE to us, so we have the advantage over most people in this industry who have CRAPPY marketing. (To put it nicely)
I’ve put together an ALL STAR team that is going to help you set up EVERYTHING you need to be a 'Rock Star' on the social media networks. And when I say Rock Star... I'm not kidding. After we are done with you... 'Impressive' is the only word that will be on your prospects mind when they think about you.
Take a look at the services we're going to be able to help you implement today...
High Impact and STUNNING twitter background designs that will get MORE people following you, and will allow you to make MORE money from them. (ALL of the biggest names in our industry have this, and you need it too.)
Professional YouTube back ground designs that will make you STAND OUT in your prospects mind, will get your MORE subscribers, and ultimately will have them MORE ready to join you in business.
Your OWN Professional Blog that can serve as your 'Central Hub' on the Internet. Having your own blog can get you ranked ALL across the searche engines, builds your BRAND and credibility, generates you LEADS, builds your relationship with your prospects, can generate you multiple streams of income, and this is ONLY the start...
We can also custom code your blog, add in advanced features and plug ins, and help you in any way you need.
Simply put, this is what you really need if you want to have as POWERFUL and PROFITABLE of a web presence in the Social Media Networks as possible. As you look around, you’ll find THE most successful people in our industry are all well branded within social media, and don't look like everyone else.
If you’re done being Joe Shmo, or Jane Doe, not getting the results you want, and wasting time on social media sites… then I URGE YOU to take fast action on the solutions we’re offering below.
The sooner you put in your request for us to design your Social Media web presence, the sooner I can get my team to create a web presence and brand you can be DARN proud of, and you know will be increasing the amount of money you earn in your business.
There is nothing worse then procrastination and SLOWNESS in business. Movers and Shakers make things happen FAST, and that’s what we want to do for you.
You can choose the package you want to go with now, and we’ll begin working on your business right away. Literally, as soon as you select your package, you will be redirecting to our 'Blog Set Up Site' where we'll walk you through the whole process of getting us the information we need to get started...
Truthfully my friends, I can't even DESCRIBE how much of a steal you are getting right now with this package.
We are going to 100% create, upload, customize, and make live your OWN highly powerful & branded blog ready to go. To be able to get your OWN customized theme, opt in box, friend connect widgets, and more normally would cost 5x this amount.
We're making available this special price only to our members and FRIENDS in the industry, to be able to get this CRUCIAL piece of real estate for yourself at dirt cheap prices.
As soon as you place your order, you will be redirected to our 'Central Hub Construction' page, where we'll get a few details from you and then IMMEDIATELY will get to work on your blog.
If you want MASSIVE advantages in this industry, 1000% increased personal branding & power with your prospects, plus the MILLION other things you get out of having your own customized blog...
Then it's imperative you take action on this deal NOW before we are forced to raise the price to $497 like it SHOULD be. But only for this limited time, you can secure your own 'Central Hub' and powerful blog for only $197.
Special Custom Design Price For One Background: $197.
It's no mystery that Twitter & Youtube are the HOTTEST social media sites on the Internet right now.
There are MILLIONS of people daily floating around these sites, becoming leads, checking people out, looking at new websites...
And there's no reason in the WORLD you can't be making money from all this traffic. However, in order for you to stand out, you NEED to be different from the crowd. Your own 'Customized Twitter or YouTube' background is EXACTLY what will brand you in your prospects mind, and set you APART from everyone else they see that day.
In times when there is more competition then ever, it's IMPORTANT you differentiate yourself from other people. Our professional design service will have a HIGH quality and stunning Twitter or Youtube background design done for you in mere HOURS.
We'll log into your site, upload it, and take care of everything. You don't have to worry about a thing and can instantly feel BETTER about your marketing and branding.
We're currently offering this EXTREMELY low price for custom twitter or youtube backgrounds, that we'll be raising SOON.
We've created this third package for everyone who completely understands that your social media IMAGE is important... and you need to look professional in your prospect's eyes.
We can create an entire branding strategy around ALL your social media platforms, synchronizing your twitter & youtube design... plus your blog... to achieve MAXIMUM professionalism with your prospects.
If you want to save MORE money, and get your twitter & youtube background designs done at the same time... we created a special package for you below to do just that.
If you're ready to BE DIFFERENT, and have a 'high class' look & feel to your marketing... then I highly suggest you order this package now to secure your low price. We'll be raising it very soon to reflect what it's really worth...
As soon as you choose your package, you'll be redirected to our 'Questionnaire' form and we will get started on your blog or Social Media graphics as soon as possible.
Here is what I can say with 100% Certainty… the SOONER you establish a 'Guru' like presence within Social Media like we’ve outlined here… the SOONER you will start to see drastic results in your Social Media marketing.
Professionals in this industry STAND APART from the masses, and don’t leave a stone unturned when it comes to their marketing. Just look around at the top 1% money earners you can visibly see… and ask yourself if your marketing is as professional as theirs?
If it isn’t, it SHOULD be. And we are going to help you get established, position you to really stand out in Social Media, and make money in your business.
Choose the package that's going to help you do this today, and you will be directed to a page where you can get started immediately. From there... we'll go to work creating your long term brand online, and helping you WIN online when it comes to creating profits in your business.
Here’s to our future success, and we'll be speaking more shortly...
Yours In True Success,
Jonathan Budd, And The ‘Social Media Celebrity Design’ Team…
Thank you very much for your hard work for us and the other Social Media Mastery class.
Our blog looks great and we look forward to using it properly by adding great content.
I tried our optin on our blog to subscribers in Get Response and it worked!
Thanks again!
Have a great weekend if you get a break!
Dawn & Dave
Hey Fellow Bloggers & Internet Marketers Out There!
You cannot miss by going with the Empowered Entrepreneurs for your blog designing and support.
The design and layout, the support and integrity was more than I thought possible because of their competitive pricing and turnaround time!
I highly recommend going with them for your blog design and support services. I couldn't give them a higher recommendation. I plan on using them again soon for my next marketing web site.
Keep up the great work!
Yours in appreciation,
Kary Rogney
Dear Jonathan & team,
It's been just a couple of weeks in to the Social Media Mastery Course and i just thought i would drop you a few lines on how awesome this course is turning out to be and the amount of value i have already received from it.
The energy of masterminding with people within the Social Media Inner Circle and the friendships i have begun to enjoy cannot but realise in significant growth and value for my networking business as we move in to the next phase of the course. I know that these friendships will only develop and grow stronger as the course progresses.
The quality and content of information on the webinars (on Twitter) to date has been simply priceless, and the pacing of material is helping us move ahead with implementation at a rate i would have hardly imagined was possible when i signed up to the course, just two weeks back.
And to top all that i finally received a branded version of my own blog today , developed by Jason Crew and your team. I must let you know i am extremely impressed with the site's look and feel, the quality and professionalism of the design, and with the helpfulness and support of the team throughout the process of exchanging information .
The final blog quality far exceeds what i had envisaged, and that for a price a fraction of what i would normally expect to pay for what you delivered.
Thanks so much for everything you do. In particular for what you are delivering through this great course and for the outstanding blog.
I look forward to continue to working together with you, your team, and the rest of the Social media Inner Circle community as we continue to journey to mastering and applying cutting edge Social media strategies, that provides each of us tremendous growth and benefit.
Johneal Rouse
Jonathan & crew:
YOU GUYS ROCK ! Your professionalism and Team Spirit caught me off guard. I am a semi-retired IT Manager, and I"m used to software projects taking months, not days !
You and your team put together a world-class blog site for me in record time, and at the unheard-of price of $197.
You deserve the utmost credit, because I know that not only did you do that for me, you also cranked out about 100 more during the same time period, and that MUST have set a record!
Ernie Bate
I recently got involved with the MasterMind Inner Circle and we were all in agreement to get our blogs created.
Team leader Jonathan Budd contacted Mr. Jason Crew to the job. It was a massive undertaking, Creating over 100 High tech blog sites in a specified period of time.
Well little did we know that this Mr. Jason Crew had “Mad Skills and Mad Connections”!
Not only has he produced an incredible package for our blogs, but he was in contact with us on a regular or should I say “consistent” basis encouraging us to make sure everything
Was to our liking.
Thank you Jason Crew and your team for a job Well Done!
Have An Amazingly Successful Day!!
Kevin D. Robinson
Hi Jonathan & Team,
I just wanted to say Thank You for customising my blog. It is just AWESOME! The header was produced very rapidly. I love the social media buttons - they are just GREAT. Better than I expected.
You produced my blog very quickly. I am very impressed with not only the prompt service but also the price that I paid for it. It was certainly value for money. I will recommend you to anyone who is looking for top quality at a great price.
Angela Bettess
Melbourne, Australia
Hey team,
Just wanted to say a quick Thank You to the Social Media Mastery Team!!! You guys did an Awesome job creating my blog!
I submitted my information to you on June 21,2009 and as of today June 26, 2009 it has been completed! It is of the highest quality with a cutting edge professional look! All this for only $197, what a deal!
I would definitely recommend you guys to anyone I meet and I look forward to continuing this journey with you as I learn the techniques to better promote myself.
Thank You,
Chrishann Goodwin
Hello Jonathan & team!
I should like to say, "THANK-YOU!" for your most excellent job that you did on creating My Blog!
Your speed was of the essence and this was accomplished within a week of submission; this was totally amazing knowing the numerous requests that you receive from the public.
You and your staff conduct yourselves with both integrity and a professionalism that is refreshing!
Thank-you again for a job well done!
Dr. Linda Douglas
Consultant - Doctor - Trainer
Hey Design Team,
Thank you so much for all of the help that you gave me in the way of setting up my blog. It looks great and everything works like a charm.
I wanted to just say a quick thank you the the whole Empowered
Entrepreneurs Team for all the help that they gave me with my blog.
They had a great system to set up my blog and have it ready to go for me to start posting onto it right away. The blog has a spot for me to collect leads and drive people to my different social networks.
great. It also did not take them long to do at all. So great and so cheep.
Steven Downward
Hey guys I just wanted to drop you a note and say "Thanks So Much" for the great job you did on creating my blog. Heck, the ugly
photo even looks good.
I certainly was not expecting this quality of work or such a quick turnaround, especially for the price! When I got it I was in awe, all of my friends have commented on how good it looks, and I don't even have any content on it yet.
This is going to be a phenomenal tool as I continue to expand my social networking.
Phillip King
Dear Jonathan,
This is what I call Service with a Smile. I am impressed and very grateful. Thanks so very much for my blog and I must say it looks great!
I think I have been given much, much more than what I paid for and not only is it professional but has elegance and class.
Well what can I say but a big thank you, for I know it has not been easy creating and liaison with everyone to get their blogs sorted out.
A big well done to all who took part in this exercise and will like to
thank all involved.
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor
angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from
the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom 8:38-39
There is no power in heaven or on earth that can separate us
from Fathers love.
He reached down from heaven to save us from our sins, and
bring us into the family of
God. He is a loving Father, that gives life to his creation. It
is the devil that came to kill and destroy. God sent Jesus to give us life and
that life more abundantly. If we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, ye shall be saved. God
gives you a new life, by the power of His Holy Spirit he unites us with
himself. He says I will never leave you nor forsake you.
The enemy of our soul, the worldly influence will try to
blind us from the love of God. You can not always rely on your feelings and
whatever thoughts are passing through your mind. We need to put our Trust in
the Word of God.
We may endure suffer and apparent times of loneliness, but joy comes in the
morning. When the light of God and His understanding renews our faith and confidence,
then we know that He has never left us, we were just not aware of his presence.
Learn to pray and seek his face and he will reveal himself
to you and you shall begin to sense the warmth of his presence and joy in your
life. The presence of God in our live bring joy, peace and righteousness. His
presence comes by abiding in His Word, by magnifying his Name. By giving
praises to God, this will enable us to be free from the cares of this world and
open our eyes to the beauty and love that God has for you and I. May his peace
keep you and his grace will strengthen and empower you to live your life with
the joy of the Lord richly seated in your heart.
Have a blessed weekend,
Peter Kelleher
Romans 8:26-39. Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our
infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the
Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be
uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the
Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of
And we know that all things work together for good to them
that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he
did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son,
that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did
predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified:
and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us,
who can be against us?
He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us
all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Who shall lay
any thing to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth. Who is he
that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who
is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall
tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or
As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day
long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we
are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that
neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things
present, nor things to come,
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able
to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Jesus his life on earth is the perfect example of the beauty of weakness. He being God humbled himself to be created into the image of a man that there by He may be able to serve the purpose of His heavenly Father. And He said Lo, I com in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do thy will, O God. My life is written in the book, to perform your perfect will, my life I lay down and no man taketh my life, but I lay it down. That I might take it back again to be raised to glory to be resurrected, to be with my heavenly Father, from whence I originally came. He takes on the form of earthly flesh and became a man. A perfect sinless Son of the man, the second Adam. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth John 1:14
He became weak that we may be made strong. In his weakness as a man, the perfect spotless man. He humbled himself and became a servant of the Father. It says that the Father Anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost and power, and He went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. He did not rely upon His own divine power and glory. But submitted himself unto God the Father and was obedient to His will. He said I only do that which the Father reveals for me to do. I did not come to bring glory to myself, but to bring glory to Him that sent me. And that everyone would know that God the Father so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, to die and shed his blood for the remission of sins. That the world would be saved through his perfect sacrifice and was accepted of the Father and glorified that God raised Him from the dead and He appeared unto men, to witness of the power of the Father, that raised Him and set Him in glory at the right hand of the Father of glory.
We too should live our lives to reflect the glory of the Lord and not to rely upon our own strength, but in my weakness, in my ability to humble myself and receive from the glory of the Lord I am strengthen beyond measure and come into the fullness of the know of the Lord Jesus Christ who loved me and gave His life for me. That where He is I will be also, He has become my sufficiency, where I am weak, through Him I am made strong, and give glory to the risen saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Let us give glory to God and thank him for all that He has done.
I will be bringing out some additional revelation of the Beauty of Weakness,
Behold King Solomon and all his glory can not compare to the glory of the flowers in the fields. Which glory reflect that glory that you and I carry as we yield ourselves to the Lord and give Him honor we also receive of the glory of the Lord are changed from glory to glory...
Be blessed continue to live in the glory of the Lord,
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