Healing Waters of Forgiveness to Heal Your Heart
Let the living waters of forgiveness fill your heart. Let the healing waters bring healing and forgiveness to your heart and soul. Forgiveness brings life, healing and restoration.
Forgiveness brings us into right standing with God, that the living waters of His Holy Spirit can flow free in and out of our lives. Without any blockage, without any hardness of heart, any unforgiveness will cause the heart to be stony, hard and resist the move of God and restrict the healing process of God in your life. Unforgiveness cripples the healing process in your life as well as hinders the life flow of Gods Spirit from being release through you’re your heart from being a healing source to others. Instead of if being a healing flow like a river, it becomes like a blocked trickling stream.
We need to receive the healing waters of forgiveness in our lives, in our hearts. We need to forgive others for what they have done or said about us. We need to be free to live, we need to be free to forgive others. We need to be free to love God. God is able to heal my heart that I may walk whole heartily in love and forgiveness toward others. This is not something you can do yourself, you need the help from God. You need the presence, the love and the power of God to heal and to fully restore your life.
Matthew 6:14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
Yes you need to choose to forgive and to love others. I chose to forgive and to love the people that have done me wrong. Usually this happens to you by those who are the closet to you. They have said some ugly things and have walked away from you and have separated themselves. And don’t want to be a part of your life any more. This is one of the key attacks the enemy will use to separate couples in their marriages. Unforgiveness is the root of all evil, and I see that many times it is liked with unbelief. Not only have a person chosen to not to forgive and reconcile with others, but has walk in a heart of unbelief. They have lost all hope. They have lost the vision that God once placed in their hearts. They do not see how it can work out between them. So the decision is a mask of deception that the enemies uses to confuse and hinder relationships.
This is why the bible tells us to forgive your friend before the sun goes down. Is God speaking about the sun in the sky. Yes and no. Yes it is a good practice when you say your prayers at night to ask God to forgive you and to forgive others who have done you wrong. But have you forgiven them with your heart. It is more than just making a confession, it is making a heart decision to forgive and to love others that have wronged you.
The only way to be set free from being offended is to forgive. I would say that forgiving others of their sins and transgressions is to free yourself from being offended; is the way for us to escape the power of sin that wants to destroy our lives and wreck our relationships with others. You can not walk in love and still have unforgiveness in your heart. The two won’t mix, they will not both work together in your life. Being offended is a trap from the devil, it is his way of pulling us away from God and fellowship with his people. To forgive is to be released from this devils trap. Taking offense is taking the bait from the devil to walk in Unforgiveness. God wants us to be free.
Before the sun goes down would mean while you sense the grace of God in your heart, you need to forgive the other person of their transgressions, while you have time(grace). If you allow unforgiveness to have its work in you and you take the bait and let offense settle in your mind and attitude. Then your mind set my reflect its nature and not Gods. You might say to yourself the grace of God has lifted from me, and I am not able to forgive them; I am not able to live with them.
I would say I agree with you in your present hurt offended condition. But God! God is able to forgive and to heal. God wants to restore your life, He wants to restore your marriage to the original condition He intended for you to live and enjoy. Behold I make all things new. God will help put a new fresh love in your heart for others, for that mate, that special person that God has placed in your life. He things the world of you and will make all things new, new romance. Beautiful love because God has poured out His love and favor upon your life, upon your marriage and has sealed you. He shall keep you from the evil one. No deadly thing shall harm you, nor come near your dwelling place. God will keep your heart in perfect peace. To walk this walk of love and freedom by the power of his love and the ability for forgive and set others free. He who the Son make free is free indeed.
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Day 10 - Healing Waters of Forgiveness
Walk in the freedom and power of his love to forgive and heal others.
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