Cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee. Psalm 143:8
Lord cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning. Lord open thou my ears and my mind that I might hear your voice. Feed me with your Daily Bread in the morning, just as you feed Israel manna living bread in the wilderness.
For if we hear your voice we shall live and find life, and your Word shall be health to all our flesh. For you shall renew us and heal us from the inside out. That we may behold your beauty, as the sun rises in the morning, so shall your glory rise and rest upon us. For we desire to seek your face. We desire to know you in a more intimate way. That we may never depart from your goodness and mercy. Great is your love for us.
Your tender mercies they are new every morning, more refreshing that the morning dew, more refreshing than a fresh spray, or a gentle breeze in your face. Your Word lingers in my heart that you may keep me from sin. That I may not fault-er to walk in the weakness of my flesh. That I may learn to Trust you from the bottom of my heart. That you will be there for me each morning and will stretch our your hand to heal, to feed and to comfort me daily.
Through the raging storms of life you shall bring us through, we shall come out with you in peace and find the path of righteousness. We shall be renewed and empowered by your presence that you have visited us and have sustained us during our time of need.
Great is your faithfulness.
Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness. Quicken me, O LORD, for thy name's sake: for thy righteousness' sake bring my soul out of trouble. Psalms 143:10,11
You are the light and joy of my life, I live and enjoy life because you love me. You make yourself known to me, I know that you are with me. I know that even though I am not perfect your great love for me reaches down and touches, comforts me each day. You strengthen me that I rise victorious, coming forth as the sun, glorious in the righteousness that you cloth me with daily. You word is truely my lamp to my feet, you direct and order my steps daily. You word is spoken to me in the night hours, I rise to hear your voice for you are ever with me. Teach me to follow you, to know that which pleases you. That your blessing may continue to be upon me. That I may reach out and be a living breath of life to other that you bring into my paths.
Rejoice in the living God that keeps us by His continual grace and mercy,
Peter Kelleher
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