Let the Lord establish a life style of prayer and forgiveness in your life.
Keeping within the boundaries of God’s grace. Walk in love and fellowship with one another, that the enemy, the devil will not have any place in you. No entrance into your house your life. The Lord our God will set a guard around you. You shall be surrounded by His glory, goodness and mercy will follow you all your days.
You will live in the goodness of the land. For you will find favor with God and with man. You shall have good success and prosper in the land you begin to possess. The Lord will order your steps, guide you in your possession. The Lord will establish you and build you up. And those around you will know that it is the Lord who caused you to prosper. You life shall be a light to the nations, that will draw people to the Lord. The wonders and the wisdom of the Lord will he reveal to his people through the words of your mouth.
The Lord has caused you to prosper to establish his covenant in the land. To bring forth righteousness into your life and the blessings of God to all those you touch, by the power of His Name and the presence of God upon you.
This glory that God is pouring out is more than this earthen vessel can contain. There will be an overflow of His anointing in your life that will cause the blessings of God to pour out upon his people and through out this nation. You will find that this place is too small too restricting. I must increase my dwelling place, I must expand my habitation. Extend the cords, the outreach of the Lords ministry in and through us. He shall cause His breath and His life, the very presence of God to reach all Nations that will yield to His Holy Spirit at this time.
30 Day Free Trial Christianity
Day 11 - Life Style of Prayer and Forgiveness
Release the power of my forgiveness, that the gift of repentance and salvation will save the lost.
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