That I might know him and the power of His resurrection.
That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead Phil 3:10,11
There is a realm of intimacy that the Lord wants to reveal to His Church, that the saints of God have inherited through Christ Jesus. Jesus is both God and man. God has come to reveal himself through the man Christ Jesus. He is the visible image, representation of the invisible God.
No man knoweth God except His Son, and no man can know the Son except the heavenly Father reveal Him to him. We need to be introduced, welcomed into the living relationship with His Son in order to know God. It is through our relationship with Christ that we can come into a knowledge of God our Father. Jesus revealed and made known to his disciples that His heavenly Gather was a God of love, not a God of wrath and destruction. But a God full of mercy and forgiveness. That Jesus came to save the world, not to condemn the world. That through His life, this world and its people could be saved. Forgiven of their sin and come into the knowledge and relationship that a loving and forgiving Father wants to have with His creation, the children of God.
Our Lord is revealing to the world that through our Father we can be saved, redeemed, spared from the curse of sin. That there is an escape from death, hell and the grave.
God never intended that man should fall from his relationship and right standing with Almighty God. But in the garden, man separated himself from the life and relationship with His heavenly Father and began to have a relationship with Satan. And was brought into a covenant relationship with sin and death. He did not understand that this would be a permanent separation from God. That there was no possible way for himself to bring forgiveness and reconciliation without God.
You see that Satan, the devil was imprisoned and held captive and had no right no relationship with man in this world. But through his cunning craftiness and false wisdom he was able to deceive man into breaking his covenant agreement with God. Saying that you shall not die… if you can partake of the tree of good and evil, you can have your own life without God. Once you eat of this fruit you shall be like God, live as your own God. Isn’t that what the devil is telling people today: “you can live your own life without God.” But at that time when Adam and Eve took part in sin and rebelled against God. Their eyes were opened, they realized that they were naked and that their covenant relationship with God was broken. They realized that the life they shared with God was dead, they were cut off from the eternal life source of Almighty God. Little did they know that this new life they bought into with Satan was a covenant with sin and death. Death now reigned in their mortal bodies, they were no longer protected, no longer separated from sin and death. Sin now ruled over them. Now because of Sins dominion over their flesh they taste death and eternal separation from God. This was the devils destiny, and now it was theirs.
God would now have to intervene and prepare to make a way of escape for his creation and mankind. To save them from hell and the grave. Hell was created for Satan and his demons, not for mankind. God created man to live eternally with Him to never have to taste of death. But to live an eternal life and to walk in a loving relationship God, his heavenly Father.
God our Father now promised to send His only Son Jesus into the world to save man from sin and death. Sin and death have no dominion over Christ His Son. He is supreme, all God and all man. An eternal being that would never die but had the eternal life of the Father in Him. He would have to lay down his life, no man could take away his life from him. He would surrender his life, sacrifice his life to save mankind.
Jesus showed that He had power over sin and death, through the life He lived here on earth. He lived a perfect life free from sin. He raised Lazarus from the grave, to prove to the world that He was the resurrection and the life. Any man that believed in Him, any one that came into a loving covenant relationship with Jesus would be saved from sin and death, and would be set free to live a new life with God.
This new knowledge and experience would be birthed in man by his Holy Spirit, that would cleanse us from our sins by the blood of Jesus and cause us to become a new creation in Christ. We now become alive to God and dead to sin. The promise of the Holy Spirit has been released upon the Church of God after his resurrection. Jesus promised that He would send the Holy Spirit to be a comfort and guide to us after He rose from the dead. He cares so much for us that He gave His life that we may be spared from death, hell and the grave. This new covenant relationship, the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has been given to the Church, to all that believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Shall be partakers of his resurrection power that will enable us to be saved from the power of sin. And give a new resurrected life to live with Christ.
Just as the grave could not hold Jesus but that He rose from the dead on the 3rd Day. We too will rise to a new life when He calls for us. He said that I go to my Heavenly Father, I am not leaving you but I go to prepare a place for you.
In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. John 14:2,3
Jesus goes ahead for us to prepare a place, a new life, he opens up new realms of the Spirit for our new place of habitation. A new existence, a new creation is now brought into being through Christ completed work on the cross. Through His blood sacrifice he purchased, paid the price for our new existence and life with Almighty God.
He goes ahead to prepare all these, that He may return to receive us into the kingdom of God.
Jesus said I am come that ye may have life and life more abundantly. Not as this world has to offer, but the life that only heaven can offer. New resurrections life with and through Jesus Christ, His Spirit will live in us and abide in us. If we ask Him into our hearts. Jesus said I came that none would perish, but have eternal life. And as many as receive Him gave he them the power to be saved.
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: John 1:12
Saved to walk in relationship with our Father God, through Christ new breathed life in us.
We are quickened, made alive in Christ, free from sin, hell. Sin and death shall no longer have dominion over your. But if you abide in Me, keep my covenant, keep my commandments, then I will abide in you and you will abide in me and you shall have eternal life. We can live the heavenly life that God intends for man. As we join ourselves to the Lord we become one Spirit with Him. His life live in us. I realize that through the new birth, being born again in the Spirit, I find that there is the life, the person of Christ living in me. If I pray and seek his face, at times He reveals himself alive in me and I know that I am not alone in this world, but some how, some way, He now lives in me. And you too can have this new resurrection life of Christ living, abiding in you.
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Day 5 - That I Might Know Him
I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, who loved me.
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