Purpose for our LivesRequirement to change.
People grow cold for marraige
Lose purpose for them being together.
Adhere to the purpose of their marraige.
Men love your wives, and gave himself for her.
Purpose and a oneness to being together in a relationship.
Relationship with Christ is number #1
Wisdom is the key. Get wisdom in the Word of God.
Relationship is #1 works in both relationship <-->
We need to help one another carry their cross.
Keep fighting, never quit.
When man finds God, he finds himself, that is when you become mature.
Purpose is to become like Christ.
Keep your mind on Jesus will keep you in his peace.
Find a wife you find a good thing.
We need to find out who we are.
Prov. 3:
Benefits of Wisdom, my Son do not forget my law, keep my commandments.
Bind them about thy neck...
so shall thy find favor in the sight of God...
lean not to your own understanding.
Be not wise in thine own eyes.
Keep your eyes open to learn from new experiences.
Without the Holy Spirit you are on your own,
We need the Holy Spirit to direct our paths, to instruct us in righteousness
Be not wise in thine own eyes and depart from evil.
Put on the Lord Jesus Christ and be protected.
Keep the boundaries and walk in grace, stay in love with one another.
Fruit of Purpose...
Labor to enter the Rest that God has prepared for you.
We need to know you, that is all we need in life.
What is eternal life, knowing God.
Enemy wants to steal your identity and destroy your purpose and mission.
Keep a good attitude, knowing God has a plan and purpose for your life.
Understand why you are here, and you are to contribute to others.
Be ready to give yourself, in season and out.
Be ready to reach out and avail yourself to others.
Keep yourself in the grace on knowledge of God, being a blessing to others.
My Hope is you Lord, you are the reason why I am here.
I strive to be like him and to be conformed to his image and allow
the Spirit of God to transform my life, that I might be an expression of his
love to others.
The Lord hath birthed his instruction and purpose in my life.
Thy Word O' Lord have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee.
Thou shalt cause me to find the meaning for my life, as you reveal the plans
as you make known the blueprint for my life that I might follow your instructions.
Let us walk together in agreement with the plan of God, to know him and the
power of his resurrection. God has given us a plan and purpose for our lives.
God make know to the the secret riches that he has hidden in the earth.
As we seek out the Lord we find the treasures that God has implanted in our
Purpose for our Lives is to Know Him
Peter Coach
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