Song, You are the one the righteous one, the righteous one, great is your Name in all thee earth,
Heaven declares you are glorious, glorious, Great is your Name in all thee earth.
We worship the King, because He first loved us,
He redeemed us and brought us into the light,
joined us to the family of God that we could be one people with the children of God. To declare his mighty works, and His great love for us.
God will go to any length to bring you out of darkness, He is not limited, He is not tempted, He is not hindered by the forces of this world.
Great is your Name in all the earth. That at the Name of Jesus, every knee must bow,
every chain must be broken, to set the captives free. He who the Son has made free, is free indeed,
no going back, freedom bring you onto a new path with a new destiny with Christ our Lord in our lives. Praise Him for his goodness, Peter