Lord is bringing increase and He will bring us into the knowledge of His will. He will manifest His glory and surround us in His love and favor.
For you have chosen to delight yourself in the Lord and to seek him with all your heart. Delight not in the tempral, but in the living eternal God. Who will manifest himself and visit us and establish us in His richness. He will give us peace, prosperity and health. For He wants to feel good about ourselve in knowing that He loves us. He wants us to waith upon Him, look unto Him to bring us increase. He empowers us to gain wealth to influence this surrounding world.
His love is becoming our strength, we are learning to trust in the living God and seek His face. He will lead us in paths of righteousness. He makes known to us His word. He shall guide us with His eyes. His word will speak to us and strengthen us, give us the confidence that the Lord is with us. Enables us to step out in boldness to succeed in life and in the work of the ministry. The richness of His love and power is revealing the Christ and work in you.
Worship Him, love Him and He will give you the desires of your heart,