All of creation is frustrated/broken and the Lord is in the process of bringing all things into order as He first planned; when the world was created.
We are in the process of reconciling the people back into relationship with God.; Bringing them into Devine order that the Lord can transform their lives. Bring the fullness of His restoration.
Everything is in the process of being restore. Don’t let the frustration, the destructiveness of this world discourage you, instead allow it to propel you into action. Lord is releasing His Anointing, creative energy, the power of His Spirit to do the works of God to restore and fix things.
As you align your life your passion to be used of God, you will find an enormous energy, zeal released inside your life. As you unite in faith, in agreement with God to take on the challenges that confront you, that is attacking, destroying the lives of people.
Then you will break free from the limitation of this world and step out from operating in the realm of the flesh. Into a new Dynamic of now operating in the realm of His Spirit. Now the Laws of the Spirit, the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus is empowering you to do the works of the Father.
Now your vision and focus for life is opened to see the vision and pattern of God’s plans for your life and others. He is now opening up the blueprints of His Kingdom to you and is enabling you by the work of His Spirit to rebuild the Kingdom. You begin to see clearly the will of God for your life and the assignment at hand. To bring reconstruction and repair into the lives of those that have been broken and discouraged by this world. Now every disappointment is a stepping stone to overcoming life’s greatest challenges.
You begin to see this life through the eyes of faith, you are not moved by what you see, but what God’s Word declares is the Truth… You begin to see the Holy Pattern of God the blueprint of His kingdom. And you begin to call those things that be not as though they were. You are declaring, proclaiming the Good News, that the captives can now be set free. The words that you now speak are inspired and empowered by His Spirit working in you. God is going to mend that which is broken, heal and restore that which is diseased. Bring everything back into order with God.
Your new ambition, motivation in life is to see God be glorified, God’s principals and Word be exalted. And the powers of darkness, sickness, disease, lack, poverty, suffering to be destroyed. A season of restoration in marriages is being released as the Lord restores His Bride. As we are reunited in our relationship with the Lord, it brings a wholeness into our lives, that releases healing, enables us to minister the living bread of Christ life to others.
Jesus has come and wants to reveal that He wants to heal the broken hearted, those that are hurt and wounded He wants to restore, bring you into His fellowship and love. Then He will manifest healing and restoration. His love and the touch of God brings a wholeness and peace in our lives. It’s a season for change, time for things to be different. Let’s get plugged into the game, the plans that God has for His people lives.
God’s Heart is for the people who have been suffering and have been in pain. Those are the ones He wants to restore, rescue them from their suffering. God wants you to know that life is going to “start getting better for you”. Mourning and sorrow may endure for a night, but joy and release come at first light. Let us rejoice in His great love for us.
Let the fire of God’s passion burn deep within your souls to see the work of God released to this generation. Take possession of the fire, be determined to step into the Destiny and plan that God has for you and I.
Freedom and times of refreshing are coming to the families of God. Freedom from physical, emotional, financial bondage. God wants to remove the burden, lift the hopelessness from peoples lives. God wants to impart Hope to those that are weary, and lacking direction for their lives. Lord wants to make pain the plans of God for your life. Lord will give you clarity to know the way, follow His truth and enable you to hear His voice, follow the prompting, leading of my Spirit.
They will enter into a transformed life with new expectations as they taste and hunger for freedom. They begin to sense the move, this change of God has begun in their lives.
The stump at the scent of water will sprout out new roots in expectation of new growth. The book of Job… "For there is hope for a tree, when it is cut down, that it will sprout again, and its shoots will not fail. though its roots grow old in the ground and its stump dies in the dry soil, at the scent of water it will flourish and put forth sprigs like a plant ." Job 14: 7-9
A season of increase is upon the body of Christ, the Spirit of God is bringing His blessing into your life to bring a multiplying effect upon the works that the Lord places upon your hands. Just as the disciple received the bread and the fishes. As they broke the bread and share the bread, the life of God that He has anointed upon you life with others they will be satisfied and they in turn will break bread and share the life of Christ with others, and the whole multitude will be feed by the bread that the Lord has place in your hands. He has anointed you to do the works of God and step out into the miraculous by the provision that He will bring into your hands.
A holy passion to see peoples lives restored and brought into fellowship Christ and receive the fullness of the blessings of God. The Truth of God’s Word is setting the captives free. He is setting His people free from all the entanglements, cares and disappointments of this world. Freedom comes and is released by those who walk in the liberty of God’s free Spirit. You have to be free to set others free. He who the Son sets free is free indeed. John 8:32
Make straight the ways of the Lord, this will enable His Spirit to restore our lives, and bring a wholeness, that we may be able to walk united together with God.
As we begin to walk in the ways of the Lord, He will bring a healing to that which is lame in our lives Isaiah…
Freedom to choose to walk in the Truth, free to choose life and fellowship with God. Free from the sinful desires and control of this world. We who have been make free will be a motivation, inspiration, catalyst for those who are in bondage, slaves to sin. When you experience the freedom of Christ you will never want to go back to being a slave. You want to abide in the House of God, where you have the freedom and liberty to live for God. To really live your life and be a blessing, a messenger of healing. Your freedom will encourage other to be free. . Your freedom will encourage other to be free. Yes, He who the Son makes free is free indeed.
Peter Kelleher
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