The secret of the Lord is with them that Fear him; and he will show them his covenant. Psalm 25:14
Those who put their trust in the Lord, he shall make known unto them the way of the Lord. His delight is with those that desire Him with all their hearts. He shall reveal his mysteries. He shall make known, bring up to the surface the hidden treasure, that have been hid in Christ Jesus, his beloved. And He will include us in this close knit fellowship as long as we desire in our hearts to be with Him and seek to please Him with all our hearts.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. John 14:3
He has prepared a place for us for those that desire to be with him. Those that desire to seek after him. Them He shall meet in his secret place. For He shall establish his abode in our lives, in our hearts to commune with us to reveal himself, make plan the ways of our God. To bring trust and revelation, increase our faith. He shall allow himself to be touched by us and we shall be also given the opportunity to be handle by himself. He will develop a new level of intimacy, that we never knew was available with the living, invisible God. For He knows that we reverence Him walk in awe of him. We give ourselves over into His everlasting care. We know that He cares for us, and has given us all things. Great are thy mercies Lord, a wonder to behold. This beauty of our Lord and his desire to walk and commune with Him in the beauty of His holiness. Is a special gift to those who are sold out to Jesus. Our confidence is in the Lord our God, and that He will reveal his Holy purposes in our lives, by his living word as he reveals Himself, his ways to our spirits.
But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. 1 John 2:20
For He has not left us alone, He has not forsaken us but He has left us His Holy Spirit. And by the Holy Spirit we shall know all things for He will speak to us about Jesus. He will lead us into all truth, and make known to us the revelation and the life of Christ.
Not just a knowing, but a partaker of the life force of God. The Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, this same life that filled Christ and rose Him from the grave is the same life that he has put within us who believe. That in the Name of Jesus, all that call upon the Lord for the gift of salvation, for the gift of eternal life, shall receive.
Did He not say to Martha, sister of Lazarus, they brother shall be raised up in new life, I shall cause him to resurrect from the grace. All that hear my voice and believe shall to set free from the power of death and the grave and be raised up to be with me.
Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life. This resurrection life and power is not just available for one moment in time at the end of days. Jesus is the resurrection and the life, all life and power has been given unto Jesus from the Father. And he shall give life to all that the Father has given him. For He is the good shepherd that cares for is sheep and none shall have power or dominion over his sheep for He protects them, He guards them, nurtures them, loves them, He abides, and has mode his abode with them.
He not only abides in the glory of heaven, but he has made his abode in the hearts and lives of his chosen, his dear children, for he longs for them. His desire is to be with them provide their every need. He wants to be a comforter to his sheep, his people.
And He has release the comfort of the Holy Spirit, to give us rest and peace.
He wants us to have peace in the midst of the storm for He has given us power over the storms of life, the storms of nature. They all marveled as He was able to stand against the force of nature and spoke to the storms of life, and commanded that there be peace.
For I have give you a kingdom and an authority to reign in life as Lords over this world and speak peace to the storms of life. Speak healing to the sick of this world, to speak life to those that are dying. For I am come that they may have life, healing and forgiveness.
I want you to have the fullness of life in my kingdom, and bring the life and power of my kingdom in the lives of others. He who believe to the end, shall overcome.
And I have given thee the victory, even my faith.
Peter Kelleher Missionary to Long Island NY and Canada. Bringing the healing power of Jesus into the lives of God's people. Daily Word:
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