Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God
And of Jesus our Lord… 2Peter 1:2
Grace and Peace, for the Kingdom of God is not in meat and drink,
But in righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost.
A knowledge that enables you to take hold of the truth enables you to be a partaker of the promises of God. There is a knowing in Christ that goes beyond the human aspect of being knowledgeable about facts. There is a knowing in Christ that enables a spiritual man or woman of God to posses the truth, the promises of God.
John 3:3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
You can actually see the promise in the spirit and you take hold of it by faith. This is not a mind ascension, but an actual working spiritual ability that God gives to the child of God. Who are sold out to God, who trusts the Lord with all their hearts. Jesus said in his walk here I earth. I only do what I see my Father doing in heaven. There is the having a spiritual eye that can see what the Father is doing, what the Spirit of God wants to do on the earth. He is looking for one who will follow the leading of the Spirit, and speak into existence that which is in heaven and cause it to be created, reproduced here on earth. There is a working of God in our lives, where the Spirit of the Lord want to take possession, reveal to us the will of the Father, and show us things to come. Bible talks about asking, commanding, speaking forth under the unction, anointing of God. The Lord will fill our mouths with the works of the Father. Jesus said, my work is to do the will of my Father.
Being drawn into fellowship and relationship with God.
Become aware and one with the reality of God and His Holy presence in your life.
Not an outside observer as one who sits in the stands.
Viewing the game of life from the bleachers. Only having an outsiders view and
knowledge of the game. Having some knowledge of the strategies, but not knowing
how to put them into practice. Not and active participant. Not in touch with the reality of the truth. Teaching from the mind set of an outsider, a casual viewer of the game.
Never actively participating, playing in the game of life, not being a team player.
Knowing all things but not able to do anything with the truth of what they know.
No actual hands on experience, no true relevance that has impacted their lives.
That have not really been transformed, translated from the darkness.
But are trying to be participants of both realities and never coming to a true knowledge of experience of the truth. Retaining in their conscious the values of this world. Staying connected to this current world, standing in the door way of life. Viewing both worlds but not being free to actively pursue and possess the promises of God, Still remaining outside, not in possession of the promise land. Not able to truly grasp life by the horns and make God’s truth an active reality in their daily lives…
Having a form of godliness but denying the active power of God, resisting, limiting God from penetrating their hearts and minds.
Live in His Grace,
Men with a passion to follow after God: email us at [email protected]
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God is victorious in our lives:
We are what we are by the Grace of God.
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